hello anybody out there. apologies to anyone who noticed my absence. i'm sorry i have no good excuse for blog neglect just a distinct lack of enthusiasm for computers. my kids have discovered the laptop and get themselves around t'interthweb quite nicely now. it is quite annoying and as i write i can see chocolate spread on the screen, not a good look on a lappy.
Our family christmas was just lovely and i would do it all again tomorrow ( if i had a bit a spare cash) and january has been ok too. Richard has started working shifts again which has thrown the children a little and led to some interesting nonsleepy nights for me. for example the dreams from little man about toilet roll up his nose and the girl child getting ready for school at 4am. superduper . i can only remember with horror how bad it is when you do this for weeks and months on end.
i managed to escape the family on sunday to go to exhall for a crop and to be fair i did more chatting than sticking but it was great nevertheless to see everyone and get hugs too. this is a photo of my layout as i have no piccies of me laughing and hugging.
love the layout honey, you've inspired me to scrap me pots lol
ReplyDeleteps we always jam on our lappy screen!!! grr x